An expert is, according to my working definition "someone who doesn't need to look up answers to easy questions". -- Eric Lippert.
Wear your best for your execution and stand dignified. Your last recourse against randomness is how you act — if you can’t control outcomes, you can control the elegance of your behaviour. You will always have the last word. -- Nassim Taleb
Java and C++ make you think that the new ideas are like the old ones. Java is the most distressing thing to hit computing since MS-DOS. -- Alan Kay
When you’ve got the code all ripped apart, it’s like a car that’s all disassembled. You’ve got all the parts tying all over your garage and you have to replace the broken part or the car will never run. It’s not fun until the code gets back to the baseline again. -- Gary Kildall (inventor of CP/M, one of the first OS for the micro).
Getting back to failing early, I've learned it's important to completely fail. Get fired. Shoot the project, then burn its corpse. Melt the CVS repository and microwave the backup CDs. When things go wrong, I've often tried to play the hero from start to finish. Guess what? Some projects are doomed no matter what. Some need skills I don't possess. And some need a fresh face. -- Reginald Braithwaite
Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OSes is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders. -- Alanna
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. –Anne Frank
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. –Amelia Earhart
Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. ~Anonymous
The mind is everything. What you think you become. –Buddha