New eyes have X-ray vision. [someone that hasn't written it is more likely to spot the bug. "someone" can be you after a break] -- William S. Annis
If we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as lines produced but as lines spent. -- Edsger Dijkstra
Good ideas are out there for anyone with the wit and the will to find them. -- Malcolm Gladwell, Who says big ideas are rare?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is undistinguishable from magic. -- Arthur C. Clarke
[How friendly will this machine be?] Well, I don’t think it’s a matter of friendliness, because ultimately if the program is going to accomplish anything of value, it will probably be relatively complex. -- Gary Kildall (inventor of CP/M, one of the first OS for the micro).
What do Americans look for in a car? I've heard many answers when I've asked this question. The answers include excellent safety ratings, great gas mileage, handling, and cornering ability, among others. I don't believe any of these. That's because the first principle of the Culture Code is that the only effective way to understand what people truly mean is to ignore what they say. This is not to suggest that people intentionally lie or misrepresent themselves. What it means is that, when asked direct questions about their interests and preferences, people tend to give answers they believe the questioner wants to hear. Again, this is not because they intend to mislead. It is because people respond to these questions with their cortexes, the parts of their brains that control intelligence rather than emotion or instinct. They ponder a question, they process a question, and when they deliver an answer, it is the product of deliberation. They believe they are telling the truth. A lie detector would confirm this. In most cases, however, they aren't saying what they mean. -- The culture code.
Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. ~Dale Carnegie
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. –Beverly Sills
You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction. ~George Lorimer
Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. –Eleanor Roosevelt